Bus Route and Stop Methods

Bus stop information, route and schedule data, and bus positions.

XML - Schedule


Returns schedules for a given route variant for a given date.

Response Elements

Element Description
Direction0/Direction1 Arrays containing trip information (Trip).

Most routes will return content in both Direction0 and Direction1 elements, though a few (especially ones which run in a loop, such as the U8) will return content only for Direction0 and NULL content for Direction1.

0 or 1 are binary properties. There is no specific mapping to direction, but a different value for the same route signifies that the route is in an opposite direction.
Name Descriptive name for the route.
DirectionNum Deprecated. Use the TripDirectionText element to denote the general direction of the trip.
EndTime Scheduled end date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
RouteID Bus route variant. This can be used in several other bus methods which accept variants.
StartTime Scheduled start date and time (Eastern Standard Time) for this trip. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).
StopTimes Array containing location and time information (StopTime).
TripDirectionText General direction of the trip (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, LOOP, etc.).
TripHeadsign Descriptive text of where the bus is headed. This is similar, but not necessarily identical, to what is displayed on the bus.
TripID Unique trip ID. This can be correlated with the data returned from the schedule-related methods.
StopID 7-digit regional ID which can be used in various bus-related methods. If unavailable, the StopID will be 0 or NULL.
StopName Stop name. May be slightly different from what is spoken or displayed in the bus.
StopSeq Order of the stop in the sequence of StopTimes.
Time Scheduled departure date and time (Eastern Standard Time) from this stop. Will be in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format (e.g.: 2014-10-27T13:17:00).

Try it

Request URL

Request parameters


Bus route variant, e.g.: 70, 10A, 10Av1.


Date in YYYY-MM-DD format for which to retrieve schedule. Defaults to today's date unless specified.


Whether or not to include variations. For example, if B30 is specified, include all variations such as B30v1, B30v2, etc.

Request headers

Subscription key which provides access to this API. Found in your Profile.

Request body

Response 200

Default response code.

                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>BWI - THURGOOD MARSHALL AIRPORT</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
                    <StopName>BWI BUSINESS DISTRICT LIGHT RAIL ST</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + LOADING AREA SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 1</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI AIRPORT + STOP 2</StopName>
                    <StopName>BWI + EXIT SIGN</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT METRO DR + CHERRYWOOD LA</StopName>
                    <StopName>GREENBELT STATION + BUS BAY D</StopName>
            <TripHeadsign>GREENBELT STATION</TripHeadsign>
    <Name>B30 - B30 GREENBELT-BWI (647)</Name>

Code samples


curl -v -X GET "https://api.wmata.com/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule?RouteID=70&Date={string}&IncludingVariations=false"
-H "api_key: {subscription key}"

--data-ascii "{body}" 
using System;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Text;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web;

namespace CSHttpClientSample
    static class Program
        static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Hit ENTER to exit...");
        static async void MakeRequest()
            var client = new HttpClient();
            var queryString = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);

            // Request headers
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api_key", "{subscription key}");

            // Request parameters
            queryString["RouteID"] = "70";
            queryString["Date"] = "{string}";
            queryString["IncludingVariations"] = "false";
            var uri = "https://api.wmata.com/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule?" + queryString;

            var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
// // This sample uses the Apache HTTP client from HTTP Components (http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/)
import java.net.URI;
import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

public class JavaSample 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();

            URIBuilder builder = new URIBuilder("https://api.wmata.com/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule");

            builder.setParameter("RouteID", "70");
            builder.setParameter("Date", "{string}");
            builder.setParameter("IncludingVariations", "false");

            URI uri = builder.build();
            HttpGet request = new HttpGet(uri);
            request.setHeader("api_key", "{subscription key}");

            // Request body
            StringEntity reqEntity = new StringEntity("{body}");

            HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(request);
            HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();

            if (entity != null) 
        catch (Exception e)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        var params = {
            "api_key": "{subscription key}",
            // Request parameters
            "RouteID": "70",
            "Date": "{string}",
            "IncludingVariations": "false",
            url: "https://api.wmata.com/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule?" + $.param(params),
            type: "GET",
        .done(function(data) {
        .fail(function() {
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    NSString* path = @"https://api.wmata.com/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule";
    NSArray* array = @[
                         // Request parameters
    NSString* string = [array componentsJoinedByString:@"&"];
    path = [path stringByAppendingFormat:@"?%@", string];

    NSLog(@"%@", path);

    NSMutableURLRequest* _request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:path]];
    [_request setHTTPMethod:@"GET"];
    // Request headers
    [_request setValue:@"{subscription key}" forHTTPHeaderField:@"api_key"];
    // Request body
    [_request setHTTPBody:[@"{body}" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
    NSURLResponse *response = nil;
    NSError *error = nil;
    NSData* _connectionData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:_request returningResponse:&response error:&error];

    if (nil != error)
        NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
        NSError* error = nil;
        NSMutableDictionary* json = nil;
        NSString* dataString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:_connectionData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSLog(@"%@", dataString);
        if (nil != _connectionData)
            json = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:_connectionData options:NSJSONReadingMutableContainers error:&error];
        if (error || !json)
            NSLog(@"Could not parse loaded json with error:%@", error);
        NSLog(@"%@", json);
        _connectionData = nil;
    [pool drain];

    return 0;
// This sample uses the Apache HTTP client from HTTP Components (http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-client-ga/)
require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php';

$request = new Http_Request2('https://api.wmata.com/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule');
$url = $request->getUrl();

$headers = array(
    // Request headers
    'api_key' => '{subscription key}',


$parameters = array(
    // Request parameters
    'RouteID' => '70',
    'Date' => '{string}',
    'IncludingVariations' => 'false',



// Request body

    $response = $request->send();
    echo $response->getBody();
catch (HttpException $ex)
    echo $ex;

########### Python 2.7 #############
import httplib, urllib, base64

headers = {
    # Request headers
    'api_key': '{subscription key}',

params = urllib.urlencode({
    # Request parameters
    'RouteID': '70',
    'Date': '{string}',
    'IncludingVariations': 'false',

    conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('api.wmata.com')
    conn.request("GET", "/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule?%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    data = response.read()
except Exception as e:
    print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))


########### Python 3.2 #############
import http.client, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, base64

headers = {
    # Request headers
    'api_key': '{subscription key}',

params = urllib.parse.urlencode({
    # Request parameters
    'RouteID': '70',
    'Date': '{string}',
    'IncludingVariations': 'false',

    conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('api.wmata.com')
    conn.request("GET", "/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule?%s" % params, "{body}", headers)
    response = conn.getresponse()
    data = response.read()
except Exception as e:
    print("[Errno {0}] {1}".format(e.errno, e.strerror))

require 'net/http'

uri = URI('https://api.wmata.com/Bus.svc/RouteSchedule')

query = URI.encode_www_form({
    # Request parameters
    'RouteID' => '70',
    'Date' => '{string}',
    'IncludingVariations' => 'false'

if uri.query && uri.query.length > 0
    uri.query += '&' + query
    uri.query = query

request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
# Request headers
request['api_key'] = '{subscription key}'
# Request body
request.body = "{body}"

response = Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, :use_ssl => uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|

puts response.body