GTFS Changes

As of January 28, 2022, WMATA is proud to announce some major enhancements to the station data with the launch of platforms, levels, pathways, and more precise stop locations in GTFS feed. These features will deliver more accurate travel times for trips, easier wayfinding, and real-time accessible trip planning.

Developers can use this new information for a variety of improvements , such as:

· Improving wayfinding for trip plans by showing names and locations of station entrances, as well as platform information

· Displaying more details on maps, like separate entrance locations (and their accessibility) and platforms

· Providing more accurate station guides for users

· Delivering more accurate travel times for trips by incorporating pathways information and varying the time for accessible trips

Due to these enhancements, Stops Times and Trips in the GTFS feed will refer to new stops (platforms). Consequently, GTFS Static and GTFS RT will use these new stop ids. An example of the new GTFS feed can be found here.

The collection of data offered here allows developers to create new and innovative applications for the web or mobile devices. We encourage you to integrate Metro data into your applications and mashups to help get people the information they want about getting around. Use of our APIs and other data is free of charge!

API Documentation

Check out the automatically generated API Documentation that describes how to use the APIs and includes code samples in multiple languages. The API Console allows you to directly interact with the API right here in the developer portal.

Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us at (or for GTFS/GTFS-RT) with any questions or concerns.

Be sure to subscribe to our news feed to keep up to date on API-related announcements!